10 May 2012
ConstructAid - Planning Portal News
"Council criticised over Extension Plans"
Location: Bolton
Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council has been criticised by the Local Government Ombudsman over the granting of
planning permission for extensions to two terraced houses in breach of its own planning policies.
A report from the watchdog called the council’s behaviour “systemic maladministration that debases the planning
system, corrupts the proper roles of elected councillors and officials, and represents a significant failing of
corporate governance”.
The faults arose because of an instruction given to planning officers by their manager that previous decisions by
councillors to allow large extensions in terraced properties should override the policies.
Two householders complained about the council giving planning permission for large extensions to houses next to
them in their terraces.
One complainant now lives next to an extension two storeys high and four metres long (with a further 1.75 metres of
single-storey beyond). The extension almost fills the next door back yard and its height and size blocks all the
sunlight from the householder’s own, very small back yard. The Ombudsman said this householder should be paid
compensation of £31,500.
The other extension has not been built yet. The watchdog said the council should revoke the
A Council has been critized over passing plans for extensions on terraced houses, in contravention of their own
Link to Article and Local Ombudsman Report: